Sewing a blouse. (Cotton fabric)

Publicado: 31 julio, 2016 en Sin categoría

Cosiendo una blusa en algodon. Por Nancy C.


Here is another brilliant idea of paper quiet book. Although it’s less lasting than a fabric book, I think  it worth.

Original idea from : My Scrap Shoppe.


We can use velcro on the chipboard, so that each piece could be taken off and played with.Make sure to adhere the ‘softer’ side of the velcro to the backside of each piece, so that it wouldn’t scratch.


Quiet Book2

IMG_9995Would be cute to have a page where the kid could drive up and down roads with the  little car and bike.
IMG_9996For older kids  a  spelling page of their names or  family members, would be a nice begining to introduce them their first spelling activities.quiet book 4All quiet book must have the counting page. I love how simple and clean these pages look like 😉

Cita  —  Publicado: 4 May, 2013 en Quiet books
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Baking cupcakesLet’s go to the kitchen… I am craving for some colorful cupcakes, but first we should preheat the oven 😉


This one is my daughter’s favorite. She spends a long period of time playing with the sandwich. There are a bunch of fun food ideas with felt and velcro. 😉

Tying and Untying Shoes

Another super fun  fine motor  activity for toddlers. Threading  the  eyelets and tying  shoes 😀

Cushioned Cover

Lady Bugs

Zipped and unzipped activity hiding lady bugs and counting  ;).

«The road «. This is the main idea of tthese pages.  Great to develop pre-writing skills

fixing the hair doll and alphabet abacus. Great activity for those little fingers


This one is an easy-to- make  matching  figures using velcro. Just the fabric must have a pattern similar to the photo and voilá. you can design puzzles too. 😉